Uploaded: June 14, 2010 15:54:23
While my initial instinct was to shoot straight on, I thought I would try a different perspective with this Venetian mask. From this angle the beauty of the feathers' texture and color really comes through.
Dennis Gay June 15, 2010
G'day *MAXINE*!I spotted this in the WEYG Club and my initial reaction was just how effective your different point of view is in giving this lovely still life its powerful and attention grabbing impact.
Your depth of field and focus have rendered exquisite detail and the lighting and exposure have delivered excellent contrast, highlights and colours.
I really hope this does very well for you. You deserve it for your bravery as well as your good photography. 8-)
Dennis #1279089
Robert Jensen June 15, 2010
love the perspective and comp on this #8696893Dianna Murphy June 15, 2010
I like the comp... very different. Awesome imag.e #8697264
Nancyj E. Hovey
July 14, 2010
Merna L. Nobile July 14, 2010
BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations on your Finalist Award for June, 2010. Merna #8764220Dennis Gay July 14, 2010
See *MAXINE*?????!!!!!Merna L. Nobile August 05, 2010
Hi Maxine: I am on a mission this month to get as many members as I can to enter the monthly theme contest. The theme this month (August) is “Reflections” and Carla and I would be honored to have your image entered. Thank you for your participation. Merna#8808278
Beth J. Orick August 06, 2010
Wow! Stunning work! #8809566Deepinder S. RANGER September 25, 2010
what an exquisite POV !!!I shot this masque in Venice but could never imagine such a POV....!!!Maxine C. Schnitzer September 25, 2010
Thank you all so much for taking notice of my Maschera! And thanks, Deepinder, for the POV comment. There are so many masque images focusing on the face, I thought I would focus on bringing out the texture and color of the feathers. So I just kept trying different POVs. I'm so pleased that you all like it! #8928733Janice Mezzacappa October 21, 2010
Stunning image...love the perspective outstanding job Maxine!!! Congrats...I am a big fan of these masks and you captured it perfectly!! #8987966
Irene Colling
December 31, 2010
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