Uploaded: June 08, 2010 04:11:24
Mary's Fish Camp, Weekie Wachee, FL
These are cans at a local fishing spot. You get a can and buy your bait to go in it. At the end of the day, you leave your can behind.
David Phalen June 08, 2010
Cool!! Love the shapes and textures!! #1276764Danny B. Head June 10, 2010
This is a great image... great ability to see a composition within what many wouldn't consider at all. I love it! #8685688
Nancyj E. Hovey
July 12, 2010
Nikki McDonald
July 12, 2010
Patrick Rouzes
July 12, 2010
Danny B. Head July 12, 2010
Sardis girl does good! Congrats! #8754208
Sherran Andersen
July 12, 2010
Carol Teal July 13, 2010
David and Danny, thank you so much for your kind comments! Danny, I always notice these bait cans every time I go to this place. I have taken several different photos of them, but before now, I just never got the one I really liked. I can't say why they caught my attention, maybe because they are so beat up and rusty, showing how much use they have had. Really, these cans have been used a lot because there are always quite a few people fishing there. #8755793Carol Teal July 13, 2010
Nancy, Nikki, Patrick, Danny and Sherran, thank you all so much for your support! #8755796
Stefania Barbier
July 13, 2010
Anita Hogue July 13, 2010
A cool find and capture, Carol! Congratulations! #8758157Sam Britt July 13, 2010
Congratulations on this finalist, Carol! #8759067
Laura E. Swan
July 13, 2010
-Laura :) #8759938
Carol L. Fowler July 13, 2010
Congrats on this Finalist #8760257
Nancyj E. Hovey
July 14, 2010
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 14, 2010
WTG on your win, Carol! :-) k #8762736Carol Teal July 14, 2010
Stefania, Anita, Sam, Laura, and Carol F, thanks so much for your support!Carol Teal July 14, 2010
Kitty, thank you so much! #8762758Lorna Shutter July 14, 2010
CONGRATULATIONS on your marvellous 2nd Place Win, Carol!!!!!Carol L. Fowler July 14, 2010
Big Congrats! #8762964
Claudia Kuhn
July 14, 2010
Patrick Rouzes
July 14, 2010
Stefania Barbier
July 14, 2010
Debra R. Harder July 14, 2010
WTG, Carol! Huge congratulations on your FANTASTIC GOLD WINNER! Deb #8763743
Mitch Spence
July 14, 2010
Sam Britt July 14, 2010
Congrats on this second place win, Carol! #8764073Merna L. Nobile July 14, 2010
Congratulations on your Finalist Award for June, 2010. Merna #8764301Carol Teal July 14, 2010
Lorna, Carol F, Claudia, Patrick, Stefania, Debra, Mitch, Sam, and Merna, thank you all for your support! I ordered a copy to take to the fish camp tomorrow and hopefully, I will take some more shots while there! There is usually something interesting going on! #8764419Jennifer L. Alder July 14, 2010
Great eye, Carol! Congrats to you! #8764481Mike Clime July 15, 2010
Congratulations on your winner! #8765777Phil Stith July 18, 2010
Congratulations on a great shot, Carol! #8770949
Judy V. Kennamer
July 18, 2010
Nancy (Peaches) Harker July 20, 2010
HUGE CONGRATS on your win Carol!!! #8775898
Cindy Bendush
July 20, 2010
Danny B. Head July 21, 2010
WTG Carol! #8778896Renee Doyle August 03, 2010
Great eye and capture!! Belated but BIG congrats to you Carol!! #8802811
Dominick M. Dimacale
September 13, 2010
Dominick #8897217
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