Spirit of The Forest [Digital Darkroom]

© Laura E. Swan

Spirit of The Forest

Uploaded: May 17, 2010 17:37:18


* * *

TV 1/800 AV 2.8
Pathway Is In Banff National Park
The Guide...Well...Tis I.

(DDR) PSE7, Fractalius, Curves.

Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/800 seconds, Flash: did not fire, auto mode, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 4.60 mm, Model: Canon PowerShot SD800 IS


Tammy D. Ferren May 17, 2010

Love this beautiful and creative image, Laura! #1269708

Ann Coates level-classic May 17, 2010

Look at you watching over everybody. This is really beautiful Laura. #8618309

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic May 17, 2010

Cool creation (and, of course, wonderful use of frac). #8618319

Patrick Rouzes level-classic May 17, 2010

WOW, a magnificent, beautiful & creative work of art! Would love to walk this path, Swanee Laura! Your title & image creates a tranquil & meditative mood indeed! Love it! #8618383

Ruth E. Foster-Lindsay May 17, 2010

Beautiful Laura! Your creativity is wonderful! WTG! #8618413

Monnie Ryan May 17, 2010

Ah, take me away with you, Laura! Beautiful creation! #8618490

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic May 17, 2010

Beautiful place and love the effects too, Laura.....Well done! #8618507

Teresa Moore May 17, 2010

Very well done Laura! Great effects, and lovely imagination you have displayed. #8618539

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna May 17, 2010

AWESOME DDR work on this gorgeous image, Laura! :-) k #8618583

Ellen Hodges May 17, 2010

Looks sooooo pretty, Laura! Love it!! #8618645

Maria Warren level-classic May 17, 2010

sis. this is very pretty very nice work :)

(((hugs)))♥♥♥ #8618692

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 17, 2010

Hi Everybody! Thank you so much for all that you said! I was hoping these two images would look good together.

I appreciate your encouragement! :) !!!


P.S. Come And Walk With Me.


Graham Robards May 17, 2010

Oh wow little sister, this is the best yet you have done!

Love it! I still haven't written about the layers yet. TIME, where has it gone!

~Pat #8618711

Barbara Waldoch May 18, 2010

Beautiful job, Laura! Complete with a guiding fairy :-) #8618769

Michelle Alton May 18, 2010

Gosh...another one of your enigmatic alter egos! This one is most intriguing, Laura. I'd feel safe alone on that path. #8618816

Gord MacEachern May 18, 2010

The spirit of the forest?
Great capture and love your fxs Laura!!!! #8618918

Stephen Zacker May 18, 2010

Very cool. My 1st thought was spirit of the forest also :-) #8618961

Ron McEwan May 18, 2010

Beautiful trail Laura can't wait to get on it with you guys. #8619125

Douglas Pignet May 18, 2010

Lovely work on this image lAURA, WELL DONE #8619243

Christine Lobsinger level-classic May 18, 2010

I'd follow the forest guide! Again sis, your creative juices amaze me! Gorgeous frac work/colours!

Karen Celella May 18, 2010

Wonderfully creative Laura. I still have to learn how to work with layers! uugghhhh! #8619711

Nancy L. Green level-classic May 18, 2010

This is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME Laura, a winner in my book!!! <>< #8619743

Gina M. Savage May 18, 2010

OMG...LOVE IT, Laura. This is so artistic...wow!!! A fav for me. #8620958

Tommy E. Burgess May 18, 2010

WOW Laura this is really awesome!! I hope we see this one again, it's fantastic. A fav for me as well. Beautiful work!! #8620975

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 19, 2010

Thank you everyone! So pleased that you are really liking this creation!

The Path is from one I did a month or two ago called "Peaceful Pathways", (when I did my bear series). My face I shot a few months ago...ran it through curves. (Of course! What else?!).

Karen, Layer work can be very difficult. I could never take all the credit. My time here at BP has been invaluable. The help I have received has been amazing from others who share my passion for photography. The unsung hero's know who they are.

We all help each other. I am so grateful for this.

Thanks everyone for all that you said!


Ron...This trail is near Lake Louise. In the backwoods at a more private Lake. I will steer you guys in the right direction once you leave base camp! :) #8621027

Yulianto Soeroso May 19, 2010

wow imaginative #8621074

Stephen Mimms level-addict May 19, 2010

Great work Laura. #8621612

ROLAN NARMAN May 19, 2010

Creative and beautiful! Certainly with that lovely face! Wonderful job sis! #8622130

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 19, 2010

Thank you so much Yuianto, Stephen and Brother Rolan! :)

I cant wait to get out there and trail walk next month. I will look for her when I go! :D

-Laura/Sister Lu


Renata Gusciora May 19, 2010

Wonderful creation with lovely effects,mood and colors,Laura!Creative as always! #8622213

Val Feldman level-classic May 19, 2010

I took one look at this and didn't see a spirit but a beautiful fairy queen guarding this deep, magical woods and remembered reading a poem:

Come follow me, follow me,
You fairy elves that be,
and circle round this green,
come follow me, your Queen.
Hand in hand let's dance around
For this place is - Fairy Ground.

Fairy Queen, definitely! As always, Laura, amazing and creative fantasy work..your mind is always churning and we all get to benefit from the beautiful end results! #8622361

Tammy Espino May 19, 2010

Beautiful work and I bet you are an awesome guide!! :) #8622472

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 19, 2010

WOW! You guys! Thank you so much! I really am enjoying all the positive and fun remarks! And now even a poem! A fairy Queen?! COOL!

Love it and I sure appreciate the visits!



Kirsten Kiki Kjaer May 19, 2010

And into my favs it went!! This is awesome, SSSLala. Too beautiful for words! I love it a lot! #8622598

Anita Hogue May 19, 2010

WOW, such a beautiful creation! #8622614

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 19, 2010

Thanks SIS! So, SSSKiki...do you think it's a SPIRIT or a Nymph? (Fairy) :)


Hi Anita! WOW! Thanks!!! :D

Appreciate you two stopping in!


Mary K. Robison May 19, 2010

Pom, you've earned all the enthusiastic responses to this sweet creation.
I love the version of Frac you used (as in the bear images), and the soft colors, too.
And there is a sort of symbiosis here: you are the forest's spirit, and the spirit of the forest is IN you. Does that make sense?
Regardless, this is another fine example of the creativity that develops in your Digital Darkroom. #8623201

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 19, 2010

Mary, your comments mean so much to me. They are always so kind and inspirational. You enter into an image and feel around in the heart of things emerging with it's deeper meanings! I love doing this, too. This way we can see into the heart of the artist. If I ever meet you in person I would LOVE going to an art gallery with you and hearing what the paintings and pieces say to you! What fun this would be!

Thank you so much!

-Yoyomama Swanee Pom-pom. (HA!)


Rony Sagy May 19, 2010

Laura, this is so beautiful. #8623267

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 19, 2010

Thank you Rony! :) !!! #8623300

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic May 21, 2010

Very creative and beautiful effects, Laura. Love the title too!

UB. #8625809

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 21, 2010

Hi Usman! Long time no see! Thanks for the visit and kind comments!

-Laura #8626856

Tammy Espino July 12, 2010

Congrats on your awesome finalist :) :::Smiling here:: Whoo #8751716

Bojan Bencic level-classic July 12, 2010

Congratulations on your finalist, Laura. #8751838

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 12, 2010

Hi Tammy! What a neat surprise this is!!! Thank You So Much!

WOW! I'd like to also thank the BP JUDGES for selecting this creation out of 17,800 entries! How neat is THAT??? This month there were 1,312 finalists.

What a delight to be among them!

Have A Wonderful Day All! :))))))

-Laura #8751843

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 12, 2010

Thank you Bojan! :D I didn't see you there! This is a real honor for me.

-Laura #8752360

John Connolly July 12, 2010

Congratulation on your finalist Laura, well done! #8752564

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic July 12, 2010

on your very deserving FINALIST! 8o) #8752692

Maria Warren level-classic July 12, 2010

Big congrats sis. this is such an amazing photo :) good luck in the next round (((hugs))) love ya♥♥♥ #8752760

Kathleen Brennan July 12, 2010

Congrats on your finalists! Beautiful and creative work #8752832

Patrick Rouzes level-classic July 12, 2010

Congratulations on this superb & creative finalist, Swanee! WTG! #8752929

Jack R. Perry July 12, 2010

Congrats #8753032

Lorna Shutter July 12, 2010

This one's gorgeous, Sis! I really hope it goes further! You look beautiful and that frac effect is wonderful!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :)
Photobucket #8753154

Carol L. Fowler July 12, 2010

Creative Image! Congrats #8753402

Jean-Pierre Ducondi July 12, 2010

Big congrats on all your wonderful finalists Swanee.
JP #8753414

Cassie L. Woodlee July 12, 2010

Awesome, congratulations!!!!! #8753729

Wm Nosal July 12, 2010

COOL IMAGE! Congratulations #8754237

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna July 12, 2010

WTG on your fantastic finalists, Laura! :-) k #8754333

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 12, 2010

Hey Laura... so happy to see this with a Finalist badge, hope it goes a step further, good luck!!

UB. #8754656

Mukesh Srivastava July 12, 2010

Huge congrats for the wonderful Finalist Win, Laura!!!! Good luck for the Gold!!!!! #8755007

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 12, 2010

Thank you my dear sweet BP family and friends! I really appreciate the congratulations. More than you know.

Night night all!
-Laura :D #8755333

Irene Colling level-classic July 12, 2010

Yeah Laura, a finalist on this very appealing image.
Congratulations and good luck in the next round. #8755481

Sherran Andersen level-classic July 12, 2010

Congrats Laura... one of these days you will have to show me how to do this DD. #8755536

Patti Coblentz July 12, 2010

Congratulations, Laura...this is awesome!!! WTG! #8755608

Christine Lobsinger level-classic July 12, 2010

Right on SIS...
Awaiting the GOLD!!!!!!!!
SMILING #8755672

Tommy E. Burgess July 13, 2010

Huge congratulations on your beautiful and well deserved finalist my partner in crime!! Best of luck in the next round! #8755788

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 13, 2010

HEY Crime boss! HA! You are still awake after reading the latest chapter of the book? AMAZING! I commend that!

HEY! We didn't even need popcorn this round!? What gives?


Hi All! I have really enjoyed your comments VERY MUCH! Chrissy. GOLD??? :D

This Walking Path Is Up By Lake Louise In Banff...The Blended Face I Shot Under Strobe Lighting indoors. Put them together and they really make an interesting look!

So glad you like it and glad the BP Judges do, too! Very honored.

Thanks To Photo Friends Like You That Have Helped Me Along The Way, Too...


-Laura :) #8755822

Carol Teal July 13, 2010

Very beautiful Laura and you are just so great with Frac! Glad to see you win a finalist with this one! #8755838

Mary K. Robison July 13, 2010

So very deserving to be among the finalists, Pom!
Congratulations, and best of luck to you in the next round!

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 13, 2010

Thank you ladies!!! :D I had fun creating the two separate images. Putting them together just seemed to make sense. Thanks to so many BP friends who have helped me along the way.

-Lala Pompom


Stephen Zacker July 13, 2010

Very Cool. Congratulations Laura #8756126

Val Feldman level-classic July 13, 2010

Fairy Queen! :) Big congratulations to you on this most deserving Finalist and all the best in the upcoming round! ~Val #8756476

Stefania Barbier level-classic July 13, 2010

WTG, congrats! #8757427

Ruth E. Foster-Lindsay July 13, 2010

Congrats Laura on your finalist! This was absolutely outstanding! You rock!
:-) #8758294

Graham Robards July 13, 2010

Love it. Best of luck in the next round. ~Pat xxx #8758321

Julie Burnett July 13, 2010

So creative, and so very deserving of finalist and beyond, congratulations, Laura!! #8758759

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 13, 2010

Hi Guys! What a thrill! Thanks so much for ALL your good congrats. They mean a lot to me. :)))

-Laura #8758882

Sharon Sawyer July 13, 2010

Whoooooooooo Hoooooooooo!!! WTG, Laura! HUGE congratulations on your outstanding finalist and all the best in the next round!!! #8759309

Gord MacEachern July 13, 2010

So glad to see this very well deserved finalist Laura, good luck! #8759703

Monnie Ryan July 13, 2010

Fantastic -- congratulations, Laura! #8759741

Gail Vitikacs level-classic July 13, 2010

Lovely and creative Laura...congratulations! #8759836

Julianne Bradford July 13, 2010

Great spirit of the forest!! Congratulations Laura! Hope it goes Gold! #8759843

Cindy Bendush level-classic July 13, 2010

FABULOUS!!! Congratulations on your Finalist Laura! #8760424

Denny E. Barnes level-classic July 13, 2010

BIG CONGRATULATIONS, Laura!! Outstanding work and effect!! Well deserved to be a finalist!! WTG!! #8760526

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 13, 2010

Hi Everybody! Thank so very much! Cross your fingers for me okay? :)))

-Laura #8760548

Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 14, 2010

Congratulations on your finalist! Creative and beautiful Laura! #8761907

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer July 14, 2010

WOOOHOOOOO!!! My favorite image is a finalist! I KNEW it. I looked for it earlier and couldn't find it, MSSLala. CONGRATULATIONS BIG TIME!!!!!!!!! #8762950

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic July 14, 2010

Wonderful work, it's like somebody watching over everyone who enters the forest. Inspired work Laura and a big Congrats on this one. #8763001

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 14, 2010

Hi D.P., D.P., K.K. and R.R! HA! That was fun to type. (Wouldn't be able to type it 5 times FAST however!!!)

I sure appreciate you coming to be my cheering section!

SSSKiki, I knew you would especially be thrilled! Is it still your desk top BG??? :D If it is, you must have made this happen because of all the good vibes! (Thanks MSS!)

FOLKS BP's very own Ron McEwan was just here with WONDERFUL wife Shirley and CUTE dog OSCAR. We had them ALL AFTERNOON! :) !!! Now they are headed straight into HEAVEN. (Banff!) So thrilled for them!


-Laura #8763193

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic July 15, 2010


Laura E. Swan level-classic July 15, 2010

Thank you Shelly. I owe my success to others who have helped me along the way.

-Laura :) #8765755

Renata Gusciora July 15, 2010

Big congratulations on your awesome finalist,Laura!!!:-) #8766150

Derek D. Dafoe August 15, 2010

Super editing Laura! Congrats on the finalist! #8836495

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic August 17, 2010

WOW Laura, another superb image and use of layers and filters. Congratulations on another well deserved Finalist! #8844147

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 17, 2010

Thank you very much for the wonderful comments and congratulations on this creation! :)

Honored to have you stop in to cheer me on.

-Laura #8844447

Rod Partington August 18, 2010

Wow! Laura,this is WAAAY COOL!! Awesome image girl! Congrats on the finalist. Love your talent! #8845254

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 18, 2010

Hey, Thank you Rod! I appreciate hearing that!

-Laura :) #8845766

Nancy (Peaches) Harker August 20, 2010

HUGE congrats on your BEAUTIFUL finalist!!! #8850844

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 20, 2010

Thank You Peachy Keen! Hey! I owe you a nice visit! See you soon!

-Laura #8850962

Randy L. Quast August 21, 2010

Laura very interesting and Congrats on being a Finalist. #8852294

Jack R. Perry September 08, 2010

A big CONGRATS Laura, I am sorry I am late to the party but your three finalist are wonderful! #8889824

Laura E. Swan level-classic September 08, 2010

Hi Randy and Jack! Thanks so much and dont worry for being late Jack. Just nice to see you here.

Thanks for your support gentlemen! And Randy Sorry for ME being late in thanking YOU!

-Laura #8889830

Kim Andelkovic May 17, 2011

And a Beautiful Spirit you are in the forest :-)

Amazing work Laura :-) #9408283

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