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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Beth Howe

Uploading Images to a web site using a Bluetooth?

I plan on having a web site through and I've been told that uploading images using my present slow speed dialup connection to the web will make uploading times incredibly long, if not impossible.
I live in a rural area that doesn't offer broadband or digital cable high speed internet at all. Satellite service is available, but prohibitively expensive.
I've been told that if I get a Bluetooth cell phone, I can use that as a fast way to upload pix to my site.
Does anyone know if and how this would work? I've checked with some cell phone outfits and they haven't heard of this method.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Beth Howe

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April 01, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  As long as you can access url's directly, you will not need bluetooth. Your only problem will be that the photo quality will be dependent on the quality of your phone. Living outside of Branson, MO, I was stuck with dialup. Uploads can be done, but it takes time. I would probably have to suggest that you take the time to download them from your computer. Blurtooth is a short range system that works off the phone's transponder. It will only work within about thirty feet of your phone. I suggest that you just take the time to upload from your computer. It may be painfully slow, but the results are well worth it.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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April 01, 2008

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