BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Carolina K. Smith

How do I (or SHOULD I) correct the perspective?

Hi, I shot this sepia (IR) with a '24mm' lens from a low angle looking up. Because it is a building, the perspective distortion is even more apparent. While I did want the view from below, I'm wondering about the angles of the building, especially at the sides of the photo, being too distorted. I tried using PS (Perspective) to correct, but could only get so far without the correction itself lending to the distortion.

Is there a way to correct the angles here, or should I just leave it as is?

Frank opinions and help wanted! Thanks. Carolina

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June 08, 2004


Carolina K. Smith
  Sorry, the photo is in the question ABOVE.

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June 08, 2004

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