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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why the horizontal lines in my prints?

I use my HP ScanJet5370C to scan prints or negatitives. When I enlarge the photograph and print on my HP 882C printer, there are always horizontal lines in the print. Can someone tell me why? Am I using the wrong equipment or am I forgetting to do something in a photo editing program?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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June 06, 2004 - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Pamela C.M Lammersen
Pamela C.M Lammersen's Gallery
  Hello Jill,

If you are only seeing the lines after you have printed the image I would think it is to do with your printer set up. Check the manual that came with the printer they normaly have a 'trouble' section to help with common problems(or look on the website for your printer). Or maybe there is a problem with your printer cartridges.

I am not sure of what else to suggest but maybe someone else has an answer for you. Good luck hope you get is sorted out.

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June 07, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Check your printer manual to see what usually causes this to occur.

The most common cause for this "banding" to appear is that your print head nozzles may need cleaning.
Your ink level may also be low, and might need changing.

If you are printing without a computer, make sure the printer's Paper Type setting matches the paper you are using.

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June 07, 2004

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