BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Carlene M.

the green paint looks yellow

I have a basic digital camera, many settings to choose from, my current problem is I can't take a pic of my hubby's new project car, it's a vibriant green but comes up a dull yellow. I took a pic while traveling of a bright lime green vehicle and it too comes up yellow. Any help on what scene selection or lighting I can try.
Thanks, Carlene

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May 31, 2004


Asad Niaz
  Ok no one responded so far! I do not know how basic is your camera, but if you have some presets available with your gadget then try them out.If you can set the white balance then try with different white balances. If you are not successful at all then try your luck with post processing. For changing colors you can use photoshop.

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June 15, 2004


Carlene M.
  Thanks for answering, I have the photoshop and photoexplosion in my comp. I have done just that, use post dev. to fine tune the color.
I even decided to paint a label on the car, 'non photogenic frog' !
It took me awhile to go digital, the desire to send emails won, I haven't done a 35mm roll since new years, but taking shots of the moon have become my lastest challenge. The only thing I don't like about this camera is no id on the speeds and fstops for the preset settings, but I guess that's what the delete button is for eh? Again thank you, Carlene

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June 15, 2004

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