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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Diane Dupuis

Shooting moving targets!

  Sample #1
Sample #1
I just kept shooting hoping to catch something... Used the 5 consecutive feature...

Diane Dupuis

  Sample #2
Sample #2
This one was on full zoom. But lighting and shadows not so great...

Diane Dupuis

Have a new camera (Fujifilm S5000). Loving it and wanted to try something new... Took it to the park with some snacks for the birds... I never realized how hard it is to capture birds on the fly. Does anyone have any suggestions??

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May 17, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Take Off
Take Off
Nikkor 180 mm ED at 1/250 sec.

Bob Cammarata

Timing is everything, and learning to read their "body language" to determine when they are about to take off.
Sea gulls, ducks, and geese are good to practice on since they are so large and easily approachable. (And,...they are everywhere!)

The things to concentrate on are good feather detail and an eye (or both), which is tack-sharp. A shutter speed of 1/500 sec. will freeze wing beats of large birds.

A good place to get gulls taking off is at a marina, where they will often perch on pilings. You can usually walk slowly toward them with the camera in position, watching them through your lens. As you get closer, you will notice them get a little fidgety just before they take flight. With the camera set to continuous, start firing as soon as they take off.

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May 18, 2004

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