BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Vikas Shivanker

Enlarging a Photograph ... DOF?

I want to know what happens if we will enlarge our photo: Will it increase the depth of field or decrease it?

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May 14, 2004


Jon Close
  As the image is enlarged, depth of field decreases - all other things being equal. One of those "other things" is the viewing distance, and it's not necessarily equal with big enlargements. Assuming the same arm's length viewing distance, there will be more apparent DoF in a 4x6 inch print than in an 8x10, and more in an 8x10 than in a 24x36. But, if the viewing distance for the 4x6 is, say, 8 inches, and the 8x10 is viewed from 18 inches, and the 24x36 is on a wall and viewed from 4 ft away, then the DoF will be roughly the same for each.

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May 14, 2004

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