BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

MaryAnn Westlund

How to calibrate my monitor

I am learning how to transfer my images from 35mm slides and film from a CD. How do I "Calibrate my Monitor" to have correct color print out on my printer? (I just purchased an Epson 2200) What folder do I go to on my Dell computer to find the tools necessary to do this; and what should I set it at?

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May 13, 2004


Piper Lehman
  Ah... the sweetest words... color management
Yeah, from hell, maybe! You are not alone, MaryAnn. Get ready to dole out more of your hard-earned bucks. You need monitor calibration software. PS comes with Adobe Gamma, which leaves much to be desired. Check out Pantone's ColorVision Spyder at If you want your prints to match your newly calibrated screen, you'll also need PrintFix. I have both. Can you say "Cha ching"? Good luck.

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June 08, 2004


Piper Lehman
  Watch and read:

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June 08, 2004


MaryAnn Westlund
  Thanks for your response, Piper. I recently added Photoshop 7 to my computer and am taking a class to learn it. ..It seems the more I try to learn, the more I need to learn..
I thought printing my own prints on the Epson printer would allow me to control my printing and to print high quality prints. I am disappointed with what I am coming out with. Although, the poor quality could be my Walmart "scan resolution" on their cd? I am looking for a scanning service to do hi-res scans of my 35mm slides(cha' ching!) any suggestions?
...still learning...
I will check out the site you recommended. thanks

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June 11, 2004

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