BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question - Robert Hambley

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Colors faded when viewing image in web browser


I am having a problem with the red hues (pink thru orange) coming out faded when viewing the image in a web browser. Viewing the same image in photoshop or another photo viewer has the colors desired.

Background stats...
Canon Digital Rebel
Shooting in RAW
Processing in Photoshop CS
Resize to 500 on short side, 72dpi.
Save as JPG (12).

Side by side on my screen the two images are different. The one in the web browser is faded, mostly the reddish hues.

Is there something I am missing?

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May 06, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Robert: Your problem may be similar to one discussed in another thread.

See All Questions

> Color synchronization topic

Cheers! Peter Burian

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May 06, 2004

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