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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

RJ Baynum

how to Double expose with Canon Elan IIe?

I have a Canon Elan IIe, which has a very accurate light meter. I am trying to find out just How and where the setting are to do a Double Exsposure for moon light scenes with full moon. I know the no filter part when taking a moon shot ( I have a 70mm to 300mm Zooom from Quantaray, and the stock 28mm to 80mm lenses.
I want to use slide film like Fuji Velvia 100 ISO ( also .. what is that rated at?)
The camera has a function (in the custom functions ) that you can set to leave a tail on the fim can when it rewinds back on auto when done.. however
if I hit the small button in the back it rewinds all the way back in, so I can't go back and double expose..
So I am wondering how to address these two problems ? the full moon last night was great! I put the moon in one of the Light and focusing squares of the matrix, and got a reading off of that in slide film, I am assuming to exspose for the Highlights that would be it. I took a single shot, but I'm araid it was a bit long on exsposure (using Fuji Velvia 100) after reading the article about the moon, states it has to be less the one sec. So what film is best for moon shots? Can I use slide film? I am using a tripod with remote switch.
Can you use any or do need any filters in moon lit scenes?

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May 05, 2004


Jon Close
if I hit the small button in the back it rewinds all the way back in, so I can't go back and double expose."<<

The custom function for this is only active in the "creative" modes, P, Av, Tv, M, DEP. At the end of the roll or hitting the rewind button in these modes will leave the leader out. If you are in the PIC or green box modes then the custom function settings are ignored and the leader will be fully rewound back into the canister.

Use any film for moon pics, slide or print, color or b&w. The evaluative, centerweighted, and even the partial metering will be thrown off by the wide expanse of dark sky around the moon. Use a variation of the Sunny 16 rule, the "Luna 11" to set exposure (f/11 @ 1/ISO) for full moon. A calculator for various phases of the moon is available at

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May 05, 2004


Jon Close might be a better guide as the calculator maxes at f/8 and fails for ISO 400 f/8 for full moon.

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May 05, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  with elans you set the number of multi exposures you want, up to 9. You don't do it with reloading film through. Look for a button on the back or somewhere on the camera.

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May 05, 2004

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