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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Using Digital Software

I am new to digital photography and this may be solved by a very simple answer but I need help bad because I am so frustrated. I have Adobe Photoshop Elements software and I download my pictures onto this program but when I choose which picture to print and go to PRINT PREVIEW it cuts out a lot of the picture and zooms in on it. If I deselect CENTER IMAGE and choose SCALE TO FIT MEDIA it downsizes the picture to only fill up about half of the 4x6" area I am trying to print on. How do I get the whole picture I am looking at to cover the whole surface of the 4x6" photo card? Does it have to do with resizing, resolution between printer and software or what??? I am beside myself trying to figure this out and of course Adobe will give you no support without charging you even though I just purchased the software and paid $100 for it. Please help me with this and in language an everyday person like me can understand. Thanks so much!

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May 03, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Mary: I'm not sure I understand the problem, but try this.

Open the image in Elements.

On the Menu at the top of the page, Image > Resize

When the new box opens, put a check mark into the Constrain Proportions and Resample Image (Bicubic).

In the Width and Height boxes enter the sizes you want: 4 inches and 6 inches. Your photo may not be exactly the right size for a 4x6" print so you may end up with a size like 4.3x6". Not a huge problem for most images.

Click OK.

Then just do the simple File > Print > Scale to Fit Media. In your printer software specify 4x6" paper and Borderless.

If this does not work, then I'm not sure I can help.

Cheers! Peter Burian, Author, Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging, Sybex Books, 2004

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May 05, 2004

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