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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Laura Berman

Color synchronization

I've noticed that the color I see in a .psd (Photoshop) image changes when I save it as a .tif file. It has less saturation, less vibrancy. It is especially annoying when I upload it into my gallery! How can I get consistency between the 2? Is it a problem with my monitor? I've started adding saturation to the tif file before I upload it, in an attempt to correct this but perhaps what I'm seeing is not what others see and in effect, I am over-saturating.
Can anyone recommend color calibration software for Mac OSX?

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May 02, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Laura: There should be no difference at all. Unless you are changing from Adobe RGB 1998 to sRGB (or the reverse) along the way.

For printing, Adobe RGB 1998 is ideal.

Image > Mode > Assign Profile

The ColorVision products are great for monitor calibration, and now they have one for $120. However, the problem you have mentioned does not seem to have anything to do with your monitor.

btw, why save anything in psd? If you use Photoshop 7 or CS, TIFF supports layers, etc. No need to ever use psd again. Not sure about Photoshop 6. Older versions do require you to use psd to save a layered file.

Cheers! Peter Burian, Author, Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging, Sybex Books, 2004

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May 05, 2004


Laura Berman
Hi Peter,
Thanks for responding. The more I ponder this the more I realized that I haven't accurately described my problem. Care to have another go at it?

I'll upload 2 photos as demo of what I mean. The first one looks fine on my desktop but if I upload it to my gallery I think it looks washed out. The second one I've pushed the saturation to +26 (in PS Elements2) and it looks garish on my desktop but so far not on my BP Gallery, either with Safari or IE. I guess you'll have to tell me how they look to you.

I've measured the color of the pixels in the upper right corner with DigitalColor Meter both the saturated and normal versions, tho haven't done it yet on BP. Here are the values as % of RGB:

G: 20.8

Thanks for your thoughts.

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May 05, 2004


Laura Berman
  Here's another update with the DigitalColor Meter values of the uploaded examples. As you can see when you compare with the values above in my last post, they are completely different. And the photos look nothing like what I'm seeing on my computer in PSElements or in any other photo image program for that matter. These values are the same in safari or IE.
Fortunately I don't have printing problems of this magnitude ;-)

The "Regular" version:
R: 44.7
G: 46.7
B: 62.4

Saturated +26
R: 40.4
G: 44.3
B: 64.3

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May 05, 2004


Laura Berman
  Oh, one more bit of info. The color profiles of both photos are Adobe RGB 1998 and I'm using an iBook with OS 10.3.3 and Photshop Elements 2.

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May 05, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Laura: I can think of only one thing, off the top of my head.

Adobe RGB 1998 is great for prints but not for Web use.

Try this. Save a copy of each image in sRGB (the Web standard.) Then, adjust color etc. until it looks perfect. Downsize the images as necessary and post them to your gallery.

Cheers! Peter Burian

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May 06, 2004


Laura Berman
Thanks for all of your advice. I've been busy trying your suggestions and think I've got a handle on it. There's always something to learn--I guess I should be signing up for one of BP's courses.

Thanks again.

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May 10, 2004


Natasha Ursula Pyle
  Hum. Laura and All. I am having the same problem and haven't yet figured it out. I use PS2 and calibrate my monitor. However, even if I save as sRGB my photos still look good. But, if I use the "save for the web" function in Image Ready, I can see how washed out my photos will look on the web.

So, what am I missing? Laura did you figure this out?

thanks, natasha

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May 29, 2006


Peter K. Burian
  Natasha: Well, Save for Web converts the image to sRGB if it is not already in that color space.

You say PS2? Do you mean Photoshop CS2?

And what do you use to calibrate your monitor?


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May 29, 2006


Laura Berman
Since I first wrote that I've learned a lot more about color. I now have a different monitor (not a laptop) and calibrate regularly which is more than half the battle. I'm pretty sure that my problem was caused by the monitor as everything seems just dandy now, even printing (which was torture before).

I do notice though that if I do not convert the profile from RGB to sRGB before I use the "save for web" there is a color shift, subtle but it's there. But not as dramatic as before and it doesn't affect saturation.

Sorry I can't be of more help,

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May 29, 2006


Natasha Ursula Pyle
  Laura, thanks. Nice to know that one can remedy this.

Peter, Yes CS2. And, calibrate with ColorVision Spyder. In my latest trials I have great color (and clarity) with sRGB, but there is a very noticable difference if I view with any other program. But, not sure if this is true with all photos--I'll have to test that. Is this just the nature of using programs that do not color manage?

Will have to work at this a little more.

Anyway, for now seems like if the photo is for the contest it should look good with color mgmt--as in photoshop. Right? Otherwise not sure, because I imagine that the photo looks different on every computer when viewed over the web.

thanks for helping,

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May 29, 2006


Peter K. Burian
  Natasha: Well, the judges use calibrated monitors so if it looks good to you, it will look fine to them.

Is this just the nature of using programs that do not color manage? .. Yes.

The key is that they look great in Photoshop since that is what you will use for making prints.


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May 29, 2006


Natasha Ursula Pyle
  thank you Peter

natasha :)

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May 29, 2006

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