BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Barbara Hoblitzell

How do I do a transparency onto another picture?

I am wanting to put a picture into another picture (like a double exposure). I use Photoshop. I have looked and looked, but can't find anything that tells me how to do it.

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April 29, 2004


doug Nelson
  Try this method to put the pics on separate layers. They should be the same resolution. Open both pics, and partially reduce them (middle button, top right of screen)You should see them both side by side. If the picture you want to move is all right in its entirety, OK, but if you want only a part of it, such as a person, Lasso around what you want to select. About a 3 pixel feather is what you'd usually want. Use the Move tool arrow to drag and drop the one picture onto the other.This creates a layer. Go to Window, Show Layers, and you can switch between the two and adjust the opacity of each until you get what you want.

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April 29, 2004

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