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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Robert M. Dutton

Does Softer Light Equal Less Sharpness?

I have started using studio slave flash with a translucent white umbrella. I don't use a flash meter, I calculate my aperture by using guide # (use half GN power due to the umbrella reflection) film, ISO and distance. I have noticed a difference in sharpness in my images and they seem grainy. Is that due to the lack of perceived contrast? Am I underexposing? Do I really need to get real and get a flash meter? Should I use a better film than I have been using with great results (Superia 400)? Is it my lens that I have also been getting great results with (28-80 Canon II)? I am really committed to getting this right. ANY ADVICE will be appreciated and used.

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April 21, 2004


Jon Close
  Graininess is most often due to underexposure. The umbrella spreads the light wide and does not reflect 100 percent. It may be eating more than 1/2 flash power you're using in the calculation. Yes, if you are not using TTL or auto flash control then you should have a flash meter to get the right exposure.
Apologies if you know and are applying these:
(a) The flash bounced in the umbrella must be set in manual full power mode. If it is auto mode, it will read the bright reflection of the umbrella and not deliver full power.
(b) The distance in the GN exposure calculation is flash-to-subject and not camera-to-subject.

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April 21, 2004


Robert Bridges
  Yes, get a flash meter. It will save time, money, headaches and down the road
when your skills and/or needs change you will have it.

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April 27, 2004

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