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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Good allpurpose settings

I use a Fuji s5000. Problem: Blurry pics with flash enabled Ive only had decent results on 800 but this defaults me down to 1M so if I enlarge there ios alot of deteriation. Are there any default settings that will give me sharper images at higher pxl settings?

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April 20, 2004


Maverick Creatives
  Hello Lorin. I've been using the Fuji S5000 for three months now and have not experienced that problem. I shoot at high resolution with a 256 meg card.
the term "blurry" leads me to believe that perhaps the use of a tripod may be the answer. If this is happening always,and you have a tripod, then perhaps you may want to have the camera checked by the outlet you purchased it from.
I shoot in auto mostly but during my course have used all the available settings including white balance and flash +, -. I have never experienced this problem with my unit.
Gary Berger

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April 27, 2004


Nick Cockman
  I use the S5000 also and have not come across many blurry images, one thing i'd check is the way you use the autofocus, I find that this camera takes sometimes a couple of seconds to lock focus on the subject. I also recommend a tripod for pictures with a shutter speed of less than 1/100 sec so not to get blurry shots due to longer exposures. I also recommend using the Scene Position modes over the auto mode because they tend to get better more accurate results.

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January 10, 2005


Karma Wilson
  Also, my shots got substantially less blurry when I stopped trying to use the LCD viewer to compose pics and switched to the eye piece viewer. It really helped stabalize my handheld shots and I strongly recommend that if you aren't already. Are you shooting mainly indoors or at night? If so--don't. It's a lot easier to get good pictures in good light when your ISO is limited.


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January 14, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  I also have the S5000 and love it! Don't ever shoot at 1M (800) unless you absolutely have to. Shoot at 3 all the time. Tripod will definitely help. Also depends on what you are shooting.
Don't forget if you are close (I think less than 3 feet - check the manual) you should use macro mode. If you don't things will definitely be blurry.
Don't forget to press the shutter half way - wait for it to focus and then press it the rest of the way.
The program modes are great, but I also use auto ofen.
It's a great little camera! Try some more and let us know how it goes!

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January 16, 2005

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