BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Lynn Hamps

uploading images

I am probably being really daft here but how do I upload images to my gallery?..:)
I have no problem entering an image into the contest but it doesn't appear in my gallery space, neither does it if I upload without specifying a please!!lol

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April 18, 2004


BetterPhoto Member
  Hello Lynn, uploading to your member gallery is just as easy as uploading to the contest. You need to sign in to your member gallery admin center (sign in with email and password). Then in your admin center, you will see a link: "Upload Photos". Click on that link and proceed. You don't need to specify a category unless you'd like to enter it in the contest at the same time. You then may want to go back to your admin center and click on the link: "Your Selected Member Gallery Photos". In that section be sure that the images you'd like in your gallery are set to "display". If you have further questions, let me know: heather at Thanks!

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April 19, 2004


Lynn Hamps
  lol..thankyou Heather, actually worked it out eventually, my brain cell must have been sleeping..:)


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April 20, 2004

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