BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Barbara Taylor

Saving Too Many Times - Quality

I understand saving too many times hurts the quality of the photo. After I load to my PC, I do all of my manipulations of the photo, then save as another file. Then I keep my original. Then I archive both to an external hard drive. Later, if needed, I save to a CD to send out. Is that too much? Is the quality going bad at that point? I shoot and save as TIFFs.

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April 17, 2004


Jon Close
  "Lossy" formats, such as JPEG (.jpg) and GIF will compress and lose information with each save from an editing program. There is never any loss if you simply copy the file (using, for example, Windows Explorer or My Computer) without opening it. TIFF format is generally lossless, and there is no compression or lost information with successive saves or copying (though you won't be able to recover the original if you've made any edits and saved them). No file format is immune from faulty media (dirty/bad/corrupted disk or CF card) or faulty writing device.

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April 18, 2004

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