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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

She-She Killough

How to Shoot Animals Through a Fence

If anyone might see this real soon ... I need to know how to shoot through a chain-link fence (big cats). I will be leaving this morning, so I hope someone sees it soon. :D My guess is you shoot on the open side (so the fence is supposed to disappear)? So far, that is not my experience. Am I too close to the fence? What can I do to have the fence, poof, gone? Thanks ahead of time!!

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April 17, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Shoot with the widest aperture the lens has, and get as close to the fence as you can - as in right up to the fence. Moving an inch or two to either side can make the links less noticable if you can get the openings of the fence over the middle of the frame - or over the animal's face. And if you can shoot through a shaded part of the fence, it will be less noticeable. It may never be totally invisible if it's the light gray color. You may only be able to minimize it.

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April 17, 2004


She-She Killough
  Thanks Gregory! I appreciate your help!! In some cases, I think I minimized it - maybe on one or two I think I might have lost the fence. :D Have to look and see when I pull them up on the pc. I notice you sure help a lot of people. It is always nice to have guys like you around. Thanks so much.

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April 17, 2004

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