BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


problems with digital images

I sell books on-line and take digital (close up) pictures of them, then download to my pc. My problem is, how is the best way to take these pictures without glare? I need them to be very clear. I use a Sony Digital Mavica camera. Thank-you! Judy

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March 10, 2004


Jon Close
  First, do not use direct flash.
You need soft diffused lighting. Like outside in the shade of a tree, or use window light coming in through sheer drapes.

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March 10, 2004


  If you go to a web site called, they sell a "tent box" or a "white panel" that will help you with the glare. I shoot knives and thats how I elimenate the glare.

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July 26, 2004


  Thank-you very much! I appreciate that! Judy

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July 30, 2004

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