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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 


Darkroom problems

I recently started printing B&W pictures and my images are grey and a bit foggy. I am in a small bathroom and have an amber safelight that is about 3 feet away. I don't think I exposed my paper to the light (been really careful about that). As soon as the paper is put into the developer, it gets really grey. I tried a test strip which worked okay and then tried the print and...grey and foggy. Any suggestions?
Thanks. Dawn

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March 06, 2004


John Wright
When you say it gets really grey, do you mean that you don't get an image at all - only grey all over?
Did your test strip come from the same batch of paper? Are you changing anything from the time you do the test strip and when you expose your paper for your photo?

Black & white processing is pretty easy and very forgiving, so it's unlikely a problem with your safe light.

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March 06, 2004


There is an slight image but it is grey and a bit foggy. The test strip comes from the same batch of paper and I don't think I am changing anything from the time I do the test and when I try to do the photo.

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March 07, 2004


John Wright
  Something doesn't add up here...
If the test strip comes out looking ok and you select the appropriate exposure time based on the test strip and are using strips cut from the same paper your final image is being printed on everything should be fine.

The slight image and grey tones point at a couple of things:
1. Either the exposure time for the paper is not long enough - or
2. The amount of light reaching the paper isn't enough (lense f stop is too high) - or
3. A significant amount of contrast filter is being used - or
4. The time the print is in the developer isn't long enough.

Given you are getting a good test strip, the chemicals sound ok. Have you checked your timer (assuming you are using one). It almost sounds like you might be using RC paper for the test strip and Fiber paper for the print (fairly significant difference between the 2 types of paper).

As a point of reference:
I usually do a step test using 3 second increments - most of my final prints come out good in the 9 second range with the lense selected at f8.

That's about the best I can offer without seeing your actual process...

If you figure it out, please post a note so I can see what happened. :-)

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March 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Ever tried leaving out half a sheet in the darkroom (unexposed of course)with the safelight on and everything just like it is when you're in there making prints. Do it for the same amout of time that a sheet of paper is out if you were making prints. And see what happens when you put it in the devleoper. Then try the other half of the sheet, but this time without the safelight on. Then put that in the developer, wait a minute, and then turn the safelight on and see if it's grey.

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March 07, 2004


  Thanks for your advise Joh. I will try to correct for some of the potential problems you mentioned. I will let you know what happens...

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March 07, 2004

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