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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Chris Malcolm

images don't look the same as they do in PS

I have a Nikon F80 SLR and a HP Scanjet 4100c. At present I scan an image straight from a matte print into PS at 300DPI which I change to 72DPI during the process to decrease image size. I can get the image to look sharp in PS and show more detail using unsharp mask. However in most cases after I save them as a (12 maximum JPG)and send to BP they end up on the screen looking soft and flat. I really know I need to get a new scanner, but would like to know why an image looks crisp in PS and flat once uploaded to the web? Any help would be much appreciated. Will supply any other information if needed to get a satifactory answer to my dilema.

Signed Perplexed

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March 04, 2004 - Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
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  Sounds similar to an issue I and others had with the embedded colour file. It could be that the embedded colour file you are using is unrecognized or incompatible with the server requirements and is being dumped, but it is more likely just not being saved by PS to the file prior to uploading. Below is a link that may help. check it out to see if this is what you are experiencing. Best of luck!

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March 06, 2004

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