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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Wayne l

Photos too dark in Photoshop

I take a picture and it looks great on the LCD screen (plenty of light) then when I download it and open it in Photoshop 6.0 or 7.0 "I have both". it's far too dark.
So much so that I have to lighten every one a lot.Flash or no flash same thing, however it's not as bad in bright daylight as shade or flash
I was using a Sony Mavica now a Canon Digital Rebel and the same results.
This makes me think there a setting in Photoshop someplace to correct this?


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March 02, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Maybe the brightness of your monitor needs adjusting

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March 02, 2004


Wayne l
  Thanks Gregory however everything else on the net and off is fine it's just jpg
photos when downloaded from the floppy or
now from the CF card. I thought maybe photoshop had a default brightness that could be set someplace.

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March 03, 2004


Janet Mayer
  hi wayne! I am having the Exact same problem on the digital rebel. I am using 550X speedlight flash-LCD looks good and picture severely underexposed in photoshop.
i think the LCD on this camera is a problem--i am in contact with canon on this problem along with the synchronization of external flash and Digital rebel.
there are parameters you can change-i.e. increase contrast, etc., but I have not played around with them yet. you might try these...
also, are you using AWB or something else for white balance?

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April 14, 2004


Wayne l
  Hello Janet,

I think the flash on the camera is as near
useless as a flashlight. I have a 420ex and
that is nearly as bad. Only a little better.
I am using AWB. I don't know anything about the parameters you're speeking of.
If you look at the link below and scroll down to FLASH you will see by the photo there with the camera flash it's all but worthless. As close as the subject was for that shot and to get those results, (it's worthless). I really think it's a sync. thing external and internal.

Please let me know what Canon says.


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April 14, 2004


Janet Mayer
  hi wayne-i will. I might have to send in my camera for testing or rent one to see if it's my unit.
i WISH my shots looked as the middle shot looks with the 550EX flash. mine look more like the image to the left on that link.
maybe some of the units perform better than others-like the "preproduction models".
will update with more info--one thing canon keeps telling me is that the focusing point is how the camera determines exposure, which we already know, but doesn't help me one bit. when I focus I always focus on the flesh tones of the face and it doesn't make any diff. I still get underexposed shots!

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April 15, 2004


Kimberly Beatty
  I have the Digital Rebel too, and am having issues with my flash setup. I recently bought the Quantaray flash bracket, AF module for Canons, and the flash under the impression everything would work fine with my camera (even asked Ritz, but maybe that was my mistake!) anyway - I practiced with this about a week before a wedding - everything came out fine. Used it at the wedding, some came out, some didn't. The flash would fire as it should, but when I look at my images, they are all really dark - almost beyond repair. When I lighten them in PS, they get horrid lines and washed out and grain. Ugh! Can anyone help me figure out why this is happening?

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May 03, 2004


Janet Mayer
  Hi Kim-I am Still talking to Canon. I did one thing,however-I borrowed another Dig. Rebel from the camera store and I got better results-still far from consistent. I think I have to send in my camera to Canon.
Has anyone used a battery pack (for the flash unit)-maybe we will get a better result with more juice to the flash?
Do you shoot in 200 or 400. I did shoot in 400 the other day (indoors-550EX flash)and it was a better result. But due to grain, I don't want to shoot in 400 all the time.
This camera is a pain in the neck! I am losing money and time and energy over this major problem...
Considering the 10D...
Definitely try going up 1/3 or 2/3 on the flash compensation. But you still won't get consistent results.
In Photoshop if an image is too far underexposed, you can't save it.
What White balance setting did you use?
Are you having the same problem with the LCD--shots look properly exposed and then they are severely underexposed.

Moderator--can you please tell me if this last LCD issue is a common one with all digital cameras? or just this model?

Thanks! Janet

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May 03, 2004


Kimberly Beatty
  Bride & Groom
Bride & Groom

Kimberly Beatty

  Bride getting ready
Bride getting ready

Kimberly Beatty

I am posting 2 images that were taken within minutes of eachother, both with flash firing. The couple shot was much darker than this, I lightened it a bit, but anymore and it's washed out city!
My LCD usually shows up brighter than what the image really is, but if I adjust that then I can't see a darn thing! I thought of a battery issue, but they were brand new out of the package, and why would only a couple images be fine, and the next not? It's a puzzle to me. I am beginning to not really like this camera! My ISO setting was auto as was my WB. I never usually have troubles with those settings. It's either been a focusing issue or this recent flash issue. Thanks for the reply!

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May 03, 2004

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