BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I recently bought a new camera and had difficulty getting the focus right. I am having to use my night setting and flash. The main object in the picture is in focus but everything else is very blurred. My camera keeps showing that there is "shake" going on. What is wrong and what should my combination of settings be?

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November 28, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  Hi Renee,
Please post more info: type of camera?; if you are using program, shutter, aperature mode , etc.?; what is out of focus- depth /background, or objects the same distance from you as the centered object?; have you adjusted the diopter setting for the viewfinder?
With the fact you say your camera shake icon is showing, I'd surmise you have the camera set for shutter priority, with to slow a shutter speed for the available light and speed of your lens...but provide further info, and someone will know how to help.

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November 28, 2004

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