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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Susan Bohanon

Lighting isn't right...

I have a Digital Canon rebel EOS and I'm having the most difficult time getting my images lit properly. I have the Canon 420EX Speedlite flash, but still am not getting enough light on the subject.

When I take the picture it looks great in the playback LCD screen, but when I download to my computer all the images are about 3 times darker.

I got the flash so I could bounce the light and not have red-eye and harsh shadows. But now I have a new problem.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated as I spend most of my time correcting images in Photoshop.

Thank you!!

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November 27, 2004


BetterPhoto Member
It does not appear that the flash even fired in this picture as the light angle is coming form the side. What type of settings did you have on the camera?

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November 28, 2004


Susan Bohanon
  Crazy isn't it? The flash did indeed fire. Granted, I had it tilted to bounce, but it did fire. This is the problem I'm having. I don't know if it's a problem with the camera, the flash or the user! :)

I had the camera set to read everything automatically so I didn't set anything myself.

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November 28, 2004


  Susan, I too have a digital rebel and find the exact same problem. Doesn't occur all the time, maybe 1 out of 10 shots. It's an exposure problem. If I find a photo that is underexposed, I fix it in Photoshop. Still trying to figure it all out.

There is another post about underexposure, flash, and the digital rebel. This is the link:

Hope this helps,

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November 30, 2004


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Susan:
You mention that the flash head was tilted for bounce. What was it supposed to bounce off of? Was that surface light enough, close enough, and angled such that a significant amount of the flash illumination would reach the subjects?

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January 22, 2005

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