BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Indoor lighting

I am still new at this and I am wondering if someone can tell me what I am doing in order to get the result in the first picture in these two pictures that I took. I don't understand why it comes out differently when I really can't remember changing anything on my camera settings. any suggestions would be apprecitated.

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November 19, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  If you used auto exposure, the camera meter can determine a different exposure for the same light levels if anything in view has a different reflective color. Such as if nothing is changed on the camera, yet if somebody has on brighter clothes, or if anything in the scene has entered or left that is a brighter color.
The camera meter thinks there's extra light because white, or brights colors are more reflective, so you can get a different exposure reading.
If you didn't use auto exposure, then I can't tell you, cause you didn't put up the pictures.

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November 19, 2004

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