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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Gordon Granger

PS Elements & BW Photos

I just bought PS Elements 3.0. Is there a way to color in parts to black & white photos with this program. I often see photos where there are colors added to flowers in B&W photos. If not, is there software that can accomplish this?

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November 18, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  some versions have a slightly different way, but one that works with all is to open the picture, duplicate and change one to greyscale mode, use select all(ctrl A) on the black&white picture, cut or copy and paste over the color photo.
On layers pallete put a layer mask over the black&white layer, select the paint brush tool with black color and paint over areas you want color to show thru.
Black paintbrush on a layer mask will erase areas. Any mistakes you make, choose white color and it will reverse the erasing.
Right clik the mask symbol on the layer your working on in the layers pallete, the window that comes up that ask discard or apply layer mask you clik apply. Flatten the layers and you're done.
Some people start out by duplicating a layer on the origianl image, then use desaturation of the top layer to get to black&white, but I like greyscale because it looks better to me.

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November 18, 2004

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