BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Todd White


hello,i have asked this question before,but I feel I need seems people are easily taking my images from my wonderind if there is any more security I can add?especially before going to a deluxe site?

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July 13, 2004


Wing Wong
  Hi Todd,

Practically speaking, no. You can watermark the images up so that if people download them, they will either not be able to use them or will need to really clean them up.

But as for preventing people from taking your pictures, there really isn't a way. I've tried several techniques and with most modern browsers, this just isn't feasible to stop.

If people are taking your photos, you have a few avenues of recourse:

1) start tagging your photos so that they are less useful to people.

2) use a smaller size for display so that people don't have much they can steal.

3) start registering your images and then file a lawsuit against people who take your images and use them on your site. Put a warning on the image itself with faint versions of the warning on other parts of the images.

Short of that, there is little you can really do.

Wing Wong

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July 16, 2004


How do you know or notice, when people take images from your site?


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July 16, 2004


Todd White
  at first it was a girlfriend of my wife,who downloaded one of my photos on her screen saver,that showed me how easy it was to do>then a firend in sask,did the same.

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July 16, 2004

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