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Photography Question 
- Kresta M. Book

BetterPhoto Member
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sport lens

I have a canon xti but want to capture very fast photos. My daughter is a dancer and is able to do leaps turns and toe turns. I want to know what lens is the best for this type of photography. I hired a photographer and still paid for blurry photos of my kid.I want to be able to get it right and not pay for someone else's time if it won't work anyway.

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October 08, 2016


Bill Johnson
  Hi Kresta,

I shoot lots of sports, dance, and other stage productions. The lens I use most of the time is the 70-200 f2.8. I shoot Canon. I usually shoot live at the performance, so I need to be near the back of the auditorium. If I'm up close enough, I use my 24-70 f2.8.

I am surprised that you paid a pro and got blurry photos. However, it is more complex than just a fast lens. The camera must be able to shoot at really high ISOs, too. So if your pro got blurry photos, perhaps the lighting was very very poor.

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October 09, 2016

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  If you based the hire on somebody that showed you what they did at a football game, they might not have had sufficient light to repeat what they did at a game if the dance venue was an elementary school stage. So they may not have been incompetent, although if the photos were bad an explanation as to why should have been given.
Your rebel xt goes up to 1600iso, which isn't that high compared to recent cameras, but I've done school plays at 800. But those were high schools that had the population base to have a school with pretty good theater lighting.
Get a 2.8 aperture lens. Doesn't have to be a zoom. You can plan ahead to where you're sitting, and you can crop where needed. The venue is just going to factor in what you can get as well as your lens choice.
You can look into renting lenses instead of buying.

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October 24, 2016

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