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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 
- darlene brady

BetterPhoto Member
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lens extenders

I have the Nikon d 3200 with the lens it came with I also bought a zoom lens as well when I bought the camera, I am looking for lens extenders as I cant afford another zoom lens at the moment , has anyone used these do u like them? what are good ones to get? I also am looking to buy a macro lens set , not sure what they are called but the kind you screw onto the lens itself, what is good to get ? any info back is greatly appreciated

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July 17, 2013

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  I have one. I like it, but it's better to use them on telephotos instead of zooms. They will take away some of the sharpness when combined, so the better the lens you start with and the better the extender, the better you are at the end.
Check to see if Nikon makes one that fits the lens you have. All lenses don't necessarily fit an extender. Cheap in price extenders will most likely be cheap in quality.
Screw on macro attachments are okay at best. You're essentially holding a magnifying glass over the front of the lens. And you'll probably get noticeable distortion on the edges of the picture.

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July 17, 2013

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