BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Gretchen J. Gilkey

Laptop Purchase

Hey gang!! I am looking to upgrade laptops and would like any suggestions anyone could offer. I use my laptop mostly for processing my digital photos and currently mostly use PS Elements 6.0 and Portrait Professional for processing. My current laptop is about 3 years old with 1gig of ram (which I know is too slow!). I already have an external hard drive that I move pics to once I am done processing. I do not shoot professionally, but I do take a large number of photos of family and friends. I need to keep the cost under $1000- so I appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks a bunch - gretchen :0)

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September 09, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  for $1000 you should just buy a desktop... My loaded Dell XPS M1710 (Red) w/24/7 complete care and warranty was 6X's that amount.....but it BLOWS away any Mac monitor and processes photos incredibly fast.

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September 09, 2008

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