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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital camera to buy to shoot jewelry for website

I am new to your community. Hello.
I have shot photos with a digital camera for eBay selling. Nothing complicated.
I am going to soon launch a website to sell my crafted jewelry and need to know what ditigal camera to purchase to shoot my pieces for the site.
I am a newbie! But exicted to learn.
What is the best model to purchase as a beginner and can spend $200 or so if this is even possible at that price range. Thanks. Kim

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September 01, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Kim,
I would look at the Canon S5. Its a little more $$ but a great camera.
You will want to get a light tent or Dome setup for shooting your jewelry (you can get one for about $100 and it consists of a 15" square box that is covered in white fabric (to act as a diffuser) with a couple of lights that you position one each side to illuminate your subject.
Here is a link to one I found at B&H photo...

I have a friend that uses a bowl of water and places the jewelry in the bowl and photographs it that way and this works for him. You have to be aware of reflections and there are also some filters that work well with shooting jewelry.

Look at the Canon S5, it is a very nice camera and will do a lot more than just photograph your jewelry.

Good Luck Kim - Carlton

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September 02, 2008

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