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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Alicia Anthony

Looking for a sturdy camera backpack for hiking

I'm going to be spending about a week in Rocky Mountain National Park (the 1st week of Sept). I'm going to be doing a lot of walking/hiking and want something sturdy for my camera equipment (probably 2 bodies, 1 70-200 lens, and probably 2 or 3 smaller ones, and a monopod), but something that also has room for non-camera stuff (water ... camelback if possible, snacks, extra clothes, etc.). I've been researching online but thought I'd see if anyone here has any favorites that have worked well for them. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks! - Alicia (

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August 20, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  I think you need to go to a store and actually try them on and fill them up with your gear. My old partners backpack (Tamrac) didn't fit me at all...I tried it for a Nascar 12hour event in the sun and it sucked for me...he loved it. beware I sweated like CRAZY with it on...but I also do when I Mtn. Bike with my Camelpak water pack.

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August 20, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Alicia,
I use a Tamrac Cyberpack 6 that has a laptop compartment that you can use for other things.
And I do agree with Oliver, to go try them out and see how they fit you.
This is how I made my decision for the Tamrac as it does fit me well and it just returned from a rough 10 day trip through Europe.

A lot of friends use Lowepro and after seeing these in use, I may be buying one myself. They have one that is a bit smaller than my Tamrac and seems to be a very good fit and Lowepro has a long reputation for making hiking backpacks (one which I have used for 10 years) and have created some nice designs for photographic gear.

Good Luck & have fun in the Rockies - Carlton

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August 20, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Howdy Alicia. Look over at Kinesis Gear.

I highly recommend it. Enjoy your trip.

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August 20, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  Hire a Sherpa...they carry everything for you and there country is having a difficult time so they'll welcome the work!

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August 20, 2008


R K Stephenson
  Hi, Alicia,

Kata also makes a lightweight, sturdy backpack. Several models to choose from:



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August 20, 2008


doug Nelson
  Consider what ELSE you may have to carry on your hikes - water, food, emergency gear . . . I have used an Army surplus "Alice" (old long forgotten acronym, Army Load-Carrying...)pack. It will hold a lot of gear, and you can use the radio pocket in the back up top to hold a reasonably sized camera bag. Ask your surplus store to show you an Alice pack. These are also easily modified to fit a more comfortable pack frame, such as the Coleman or Camp Trails. There was also a small Alice Pack that is frameless, needing only the shoulder straps attached. They have A LOT of outside pockets for film, filters, snacks, etc. This thing is ugly, but its cheap and useful.

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August 25, 2008

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