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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Thad G. Stammen

Shooting a kid's birthday party

In a few weeks we'll be having my daughter's 4th Birthday party. We're hosting it in our backyard, during the day 1 to 3 p.m. and will have a ton of activities to keep the kiddos busy. In between setting up activities, I'd like to try and take some pictures of the kids in action - running, jumping, playing the bounce house, etc. What film speed should I use for good color prints? Any particular settings I should adjust on the camera? I was thinking of using 800 speed film, but wanted to check here before the party came and went and I was stuck with the wrong film.

The equipment I'm using is a Canon EOS Rebel G with a 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 EF IS lens with a B+W UV Haze filter.

Thanks for your help!

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February 15, 2004


Wing Wong
  During the course of the day, you can probably get by with ISO400 film, depending on how bright it is and whether you are indoors or not. ISO800 is a good way to go, but try to go with a fine grain ISO800.

If you have a flash, that will be helpful as well.

But given the aperture of your camera, I would go with ISO800 with a fine grain. ISO400 would be good as well, but if the children are running about, you would need flash to stop their motion. :)

Good luck!

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February 16, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  You can test the lighting in your yard before the party, by selecting various ISO settings on your camera, and taking meter readings of the proposed area where the party will take place. Check it on a cloudy day or in shade, since there is no way of knowing what the weather will be like that particular day.

Unless you plan to use flash, you will probably need at least 1/500 second to freeze the action of running children, and an aperture setting of at least f-8 to give satisfactory depth of field.
Try different ISO settings until you can achieve this combination at all focal lengths. (If it happens to be sunny at the time of the party, you can use a smaller f-stop, or faster shutter speed if you want.)

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February 16, 2004

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