BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

film development

I am getting ready to develop film at home. The problem is I live with other people and the bathroom is the only practical place to do it. My question is, would it be ok to keep my developed film in the tank in water until the high traffic time in the bathroom is over and I can hang it to dry without it being disturbed?

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February 14, 2004


  If your wet work is complete and you only need a place to dry the film strips, then take them to a closet to dry. Check out a department or a variety store for a clothing storage bag. It's not really a bag, there are some styles that have a metal wire frame like a plastic box that hangs on your closet bar. This will keep dust and contaminents off your film as it dries. Leave the closet light on to raise the temperature a bit to promote the drying process.

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February 17, 2004

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