BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Charley Andrisano

depth of field

Dear Mr. Miotke: I'm planning soon to take a shot of the moon. I have a 28-300mm Tamron lens. There is a range called hyperfocal distance. An example: A 24mm lens set at f/22, would have a hyperfocal distance of 3.3 feet. In other words (according to George Lepp) who is a tech advisor for Outdoor Photography, you can expect everything from 1.7 feet (half the hyperfocal distance) to infinity, to be sharp. If I zoom out to 300mm, at say f/16, where can I set my focusing ring footage mark? The hyperfocal table I have only shows lenses up to 105mm. Hope I didn't make this too much of a problem for you. Thank you, Charley Andrisano.

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January 25, 2004


Jon Close is an online calculator.

At you can download their f/Calc program that does a number of different calculations, including Hyperfocual, Depth of Field, Macro magnification, Angle of view, and Field of View.

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January 26, 2004

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