BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

aperture/shutter settings

Just wanted to know the basics for manual aperture/shutter speed settings.
I also want to ask if this has any relation to the type of lens I am currently using. I have the Nikon 28-80G lens that comes bundled with my Nikon N55.

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January 22, 2004


Nouman Akhtar
  Hi Joey,

Well to be basic basic. Aperture and shutter speed are the 2 things which work hand in hand to give you pictures with impact. Both these things control the amount of light which hits your digital sensors or your film.
As you know the amount of light which will hit your sensors or film depend on how much the shutter is open and for how long it is open. So these things do exactly that.
Aperture= How much the shutter will open
shutter= for how long it will open
This is just the basic. But one more thing about the aperture is that the bigger the aperture (F#) the less it will open but the effect will be more "Depth of Field" ( which basically means the objects which will be in focus from the nearest point to the furthest.
Anyways I hope this helped...if you need more info pls. feel free to mail me on
and oh yeah do play with the camera...they like it!!

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January 22, 2004

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