BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


shooting moonlight pictures

I want to take pictures of moonlit scenes - not pics of the moon itself. I understand that there are strange effects on print film due to the reciprocity failure of the long exposures. Is there any particular speed or type that would give me the best results. I know tungsten balanced slide is an option, but I have no experience with slide films and have no interest in gaining any experience. Thank you!

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January 22, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Faster film like 400 will cut down on the exposure time than 100, but it's still going to be a long exposure relative to the film speed. So the color shift may not matter as far as film speed.
But grain shows up more in shadows so lower speed film may end up looking better. But current 400's aren't as grainy as many people think. So you could use it if you don't want to have to keep the shutter open for several minutes.

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January 23, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Check out this link regarding moon exposures.
There is also a link to how to correct reciprocity failure by increasing the exposure time exponentially

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January 23, 2004


  Greg - thank you for the info. I sounds like I can use just about any film I would like. I am leaning towards the slower speeds since holding the shutter open isn't a drawback for me.

Dan - that was one heck of a web site. My brain still hurts! Thank you for the link!

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January 23, 2004


  Oops! Sorry Bob! Didn't mean to call you by the wrong name!

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January 23, 2004

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