BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Tracey Burroughs

portrait photo tips

I'm an amateur who likes to experiment with my Canon EOS 2000. My friend asked me to take some pics of her at the end of her pregnancy. She would like them in and around her house. I'd like to take the best pics I can and I'm looking for any tips you may have to offer, suggestions on the best film? Thanks for your time!

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January 22, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Window light, with her facing into the light and you shooting at a 90 degree angle to the light is always a good light to shoot. Pose her anyway you feel looks good. Looking at the camera or the typical hand on her stomach, thinking about when the kids going to come.
Film you can use whatever your lens will allow. Shouldn't need to go above 400 if you have good light coming in. Could use 200 if your lens is around f/4.

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January 22, 2004

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