BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Using my camera, flash, and film speeds

I have a Canon EOS Rebel 2000, and haven't used it in about three years. I am looking to buy some accesories for it, but I don't have a buge budget. I need some reccommendations for basic "stuff". Also, I would like any tips on using a flash, when to use one, what you reccommend to buy, and anything about film speeds and when to use what. Thanks!

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January 21, 2004


Kristi Seanor
  You might tell everyone what kinds of pictures you are wanting to take and that may help with some answers to your questions. For example, do you mostly take pictures indoors or out? Close ups or landscapes, etc...

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January 21, 2004

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