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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


Best film for Wolves shoot???

Hello to all...
I will be doing a 3 hr. shoot of wolves at a preserve in 2 weeks. It will be around 8am EST, and I would imagine pretty sunny!! Even though; someone has recommended 400 speed film! Oh, by the way, I usually shoot Portra. I would think 400nc? or 400vc?
160nc? or 160vc?
Thanks in advance!!

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January 20, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  With the sunny weather ---Use only good ISO 100 or 200 film ( Portra 100T, Fuji Superia ). A good enhancing filter will do wonders with the wolves roaming the environs. ( otherwise bring UV skylight Multi-coated from Tiffen, or polarizers ). The use of powerful zoom lenses would also be required( see any National Geographic episode with animal photography ).

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January 26, 2004

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