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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Canon Rebel G Film Camera

I have a Canon Rebel G 35mm. I have a 75-300mm lens, and would like to get another lens that would zoom in even son just started baseball - and I'd love some shots of him at bat, in the outfield, running bases, pitching, etc....any advice out there for me???

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June 12, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  I'd get a teleconverter [1.4X or 2X.]

Longer lenses than the 300 mm tele you have cost a lot of money and are truly special purpose items that you'll rarely use. A good tele, though it will cost you two exposure stops, can be used with all your capatable lenses

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June 13, 2007


Samuel Smith
  welcome cheryl,
um,what film speed ya shooting?don't go with less than 400.there's also some pretty good 800 speed films.optimizes a slow lens.
shoot with the sun at your back.
also go to the practices.most teams will allow you on the field.players are more relaxed and you can get some good shots.

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June 13, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Look at a 100-400 and decide if it's in your price range.
If your 75-300 is a Canon you'll have to search around for another brand to see if any are made to fit a Canon 75-300. The teleconverters Canon makes only fit some of their lenses(the 2.8 telephotos and zooms and maybe a couple of f/4 telephotos)
Look at Sigma, Tamron, Tokina. They give you some options on price.
A 75-300 doesn't have it's best optics at the 300 range and with a telecoverter I would expect the image to suffer too much. But that can also be relative to what people like.

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June 14, 2007


Samuel Smith
  you made it sound as if you needed info pretty soon there cheryl,yet no response after 2 days,hmmm.
no big deal.
so apparently you don't want to get some shots from the dugout?
sitting in the stands,handheld,with a converter on a 300 lens?
what's up,sam

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June 14, 2007

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