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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Misty Tincher

good pro lab for film

Does anyone know of a good pro lab that I can mail my film to for developing and enlargments I live in a very small town and have no labs close by. Thanks so much , Misty

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June 03, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Professional grade mail-order labs I've used for years without a hitch and that I highly recommend are: Chicago for everything. in Burbank, CA, excellent b&w work, also they bought A&I labs in Los Angeles for processing E-6 but I can't say they're as good as they used to be. in San Francisco, CA for E-6 and color print work is top notch.

You can find cheaper but hardly better. Neither one of them have ever lost or even damaged one of my transparencies or negatives. Ever. And they all use dip n dunk processing for film, rather than roller transport. Take it light ;>)

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June 03, 2007


Misty Tincher
  How long does it normally take to get your pics once you mail your film and they receive it. I'm going to be doing some practice shots this week and I've been wanting to try a pro lab, I was just never really sure of which one to use there is so many to chose from. I really trust your opinion and I'm going to check out the sites you said . Thanks again for coming to the rescue and answering my question Mark, Thanks so much, Misty

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June 03, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  I don't know where you're located, but you might try local photography SHOPS, not stores. I have a place up in Newark, Delaware, Cameras Etc., and they are one block from the University of Delaware campus. They are all photographers, a few are film photographers with their own darkrooms and they also employ upper classmen photography students at the U that they have tested to see that they trust them with work that they might sub out to have done to lessen the shop's and shop's employees' workloads. Just shop around and you might find the mother lode.

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June 08, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Sorry I didn't get back to you Misty. The answer to your question depends first on where you're located and secondly, how you send your work in, whether it's by first-class or priority mail, UPS 2nd day or Fed-X next day business.

In most instances, once the lab receives the film, they get it sent out usually the same or next day, depending on the time of day they receive it. Also, you can ask those places I mentioned to store (safely store) your negs until you send them a print order or you ask for their return.

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June 09, 2007

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