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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Andrea R. Siebert

wide angle lens for weddings

i just purchased a macro wide angle lens for an upcoming wedding i'm going to shoot. is this a good investment? any advice or suggestions for its use?



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May 18, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Wide angle is good for group shots in good settings but a word of advice, line everybody up in a slightly semi-circular configuration so that everybody is in focus. Maybe use the macro for a couple of close ups of the rings against a plain backdrop like the bride's dress or even above her bouquet. You can do alot with macro hyperfocal distances for unique -to-you shots that will be a pleaser.

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May 19, 2007


Andrea R. Siebert
  thanks! I was planning on using it for a full bridal portrait and as an overview from the balcony during the ceremony. I am definatly going to try it out before the wedding day!

do you use the wide angle lens for your group shots? i'm glad you mentioned the semi circular configuration...i'm not sure I would have thought of that!



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May 19, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Depending on the size of the group. Most times I use a normal lens unless I need to be more than about fifteen feet back. Too far from the group tend to flatten them out. More than about six or under space constraints, I go normal whenever possible. Not to steer you from wide angle, just a preference I have.

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May 21, 2007


Andrea R. Siebert
  about lining up the wedding party in a semi-circular position again....does it need to be a very slight configuration, or if I was to look from the back of the church they would look like a semi circle.
the reason i'm asking is at my last wedding I felt like I had to be at least 15 feet away from the party and then I didn't have a wide angle lens-so you're right, they do tend to look a little bit flat. maybe its a good idea to shoot one of the group in macro and also a regular lens?
thanks so much for answering my questions! I have so much to learn!


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May 21, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  As far as how much of a semicircle you want them in, you want the people on the edges to be equidistant from the film as the people in the center are. Gauge this to your lens to keep the line as straight as possible.

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May 22, 2007

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