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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Andrea R. Siebert

shooting a wedding with SB800

i am shooting a wedding with a new flash I just SB 800. I want to make sure I have enough light...any good suggestions to keep the harsh shadows and darkness away? your help is much appreciated!!


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May 18, 2007


Kerry L. Walker
  Hello again, Andrea. As I said in another thread, the best way to eliminate the shadows is to use a rotating bracket to keep the flash above the axis of the lens. It will also keep the flash higher so the shadows fall lower and behind the subject.

Another suggestion is to try to shoot with the meter reading the ambient light no more than 2 stops below the required exposure. This will allow some ambient light in and keep the background from becoming totaly dark. This will probably require you to set your shutter speed below the maximum sync. speed of your camera. I normally shoot at 1/30 but have gone as low as 1/15 at times.

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May 22, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Andrea. Kerry and I, among other pros here and elsewhere know that shooting any event with a new piece of equipment that you're not absolutely completely familiar with and that can't be reshot is a receipe for disaster.

Seems you've got a whole new lighting system that you really need to practice with plenty under the best and worst and most varied of circumstances before trying it out on a job.

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May 22, 2007


Kerry L. Walker
  Mark is correct, as usual. The wedding you are going to shoot is coming up soon but you still have time to practice. Take some friends, dressed in black for one and white for the other, and go to the venue you will be shooting at and practice as much as possible.

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May 22, 2007


Andrea R. Siebert
  Kerry & Mark
i am planning on practicing before the wedding...this weekend actually. i'm going to go to the church and test my lighting, shadows, etc....
i would never shoot a wedding without knowing my equiptment!
thanks for your response.

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May 22, 2007

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