BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Linda Kessler

Best Backdrop Support System

I am beginning to upgrade my backdrop system from taping fabric to the walls to using a professional backdrop system. I shoot formal maternity portraits, children and families. I use 5 foot velvet purchased in a fabric store. I do not want to see creases and need to clamp or tape the sides to the poles. I have heard of some systems bowing, JTL, and have looked at systems, e.g., Photoflex, Savage, Bogen-Manfrotto, Photek. And, then there's the Peoplepopper which uses it's own velour and one T-stand. Any suggestions? Don't want a lot of weight and want simplicity, ease of set-up and capability to have the minimum width at least 5 feet, and length at least 8 feet.

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May 16, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
I have this one, and find it very sturdy:

hope it helps,

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May 16, 2007

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