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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

camera,film,and airport security

i am going on a tirp to mexico I have a cannon rebel are there any precautions I need to take with the camera and film for the x ray machine for cary on or should I check my camera in my bag

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February 16, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Carson. There are a couple of things you can do. Read this page at TSA on traveling with film products on airplanes, which at least applies when you board planes in the United States. Here's the link:

It's not 100% accurate according to industry research anyway, but it's got useful info, nonetheless.

Understand that the effects of x-rays on anything are cumulative, including film, regardless of its speed. Higher speed films are prone to getting base side emulsion fog from radiation faster than slower speed films, but slower speed films still get fogged depending on their exposure. Many trips require multiple screenings hence multiple exposures.

In the U.S., no matter what speed, you can still request and get the TSA people to inspect your carry-on bags or just the film, by hand. Film should unwrapped from their boxes, be in the cannisters and placed in tupperware or plastic bags. When I travel with a lot of film, bricks, it's usually in tupperware placed inside a separate case that'll go in the overhead. Smaller quantities, I just use film shields available at most camera stores or at B& Sima makes good ones in two grades, I use the heavier duty ones. And, to get manual inspections, you have to be patient, ask nicely, but they have to do it, no matter what they tell you.

Never transport film in checked bags due to screening with CTX 5000 machines. They can crank up the viewing voltage to see even inside lead-lined film shield bags. This tends to produce fog even with one pass through the machine and regardless of the film speed.

I also wouldn't transport your camera in your checked bag since the rate of theft seems to be up lately. Just carry it with you and if it has film in it, get it hand inspected too. In Europe you're pretty much at the mercy of the inspectors and in London a few months ago, I was told (quite politely) that if the film doesn't get on the conveyor, I don't get on the plane.

If I have a lot of exposed film in the U.S., I find a professional-grade lab, like a Kodak Q-lab to process my E-6 before heading home. OR, ship the exposed film back by Fedex or UPS Air cause to my knowledge they still don't x-ray. From outside the U.S., I just ship it back to the labs I use and send the unexposed film home by air too, then test it once I get back.

Piece of cake right? Aren't you glad you asked? LOL !!! I'm sure others can tell you how they handle the problem, maybe differently than me, but I'd rather keep the film extra safe these days.

Bon Voyage ;>)

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February 17, 2007

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