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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

John C. Howard

How to shoot snow flakes

How do you shoot snow flakes?

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February 06, 2007


Rob Zuidema
  With very tiny bullets! :-)

(sorry, couldn't resist)

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February 06, 2007


Samuel Smith
  i resisted.

on a very guessing nature,of which I don't mind being wrong,everything you use for this will need to be the same temperature,or less than,the snowflake.
first,and I forgot to ask,is that you have a very good macro lens.if you think those big snowflakes will be easier to photograph,no, they are just a bunch of smaller ones joined together at a certain point in one level of the atmosphere.
dark construction paper as a background,different dark colors,like blue,will give different effects.
did I mention this to be speculation.
allow several flakes to accumulate,non human,on the paper.move to where you have your camera setup on a tripod out of the wind and set it on a table or something.remote release recommended.
penlight or flashlight may work,but only at a distance that won't create heat.look through the viewfinder and see where the angle of light best compliments the capture.
I also wonder if the light source may be beneficial shown on the backside of the paper and the angle of the camera would result in some neat images.
I suppose in daylight you may be able to find a snowflake stuck to an object,but then the elements,like wind,would really be a problem.
just some ideas,none proven or even attempted.
but hey it's 2 above zero here and with 6 more inches of those babies put down today,i may see what is out there tomorrow.
good luck,sam

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February 06, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Do you mean individual snowflakes or getting the snow falling to show up on a picture?

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February 06, 2007


Corinne M. Thompson
  I had these links saved, perhaps they can help you.

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February 07, 2007


John C. Howard
  Thank all of you for your answers. Yes, even the jokster. I have good macro equipment which includes a Canon 200f4macro, 105 macro, necessary extension tubes and magnifers. I realize that the material used to catch the snowflake must be as cold as the outside temperature. I am interested in knowing what you may use to catch the snowflake;pickup of the flake and transfer to the glass that you would photograph. I will check the websites listed. John

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February 07, 2007 - Michelle M. Peters

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michelle M. Peters
Michelle M. Peters's Gallery
  I have used black felt...soft, doesn't get warm, and makes a nice background...unfortuately I've only tested the fact that I can catch the snowflakes that way...appearantly the air must be below 20*F (we've just been getting that temp recently) and, of course, snowing. (we've had less than 2 inches, and I have not been available at the times when it was snowing...either it was dark or I was at work!) What rotten luck I have! lol Good luck to what you get!

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February 07, 2007


John C. Howard
  Thank you for the using felt to catch the snow tip. We have had a lot of 20 degree weather but we have been getting sleet and freezing rain in OK. The prdiction is that we will get some snow in the next two or three days. If so, I will give your approach a try.

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February 08, 2007

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