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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Te Ms Vaiu

want nice crisp indoor shots of my son

Hi!! I had a manual Pentax K-1000 with vivitar flash. Gave nice indoor shots at low-mod. light. I needed no books to learn! Just set flash on auto, snapped and got nice results. Camera and flash were stolen. So, just bought older canon rebel eos xs. Learning! Want same crisp indoor shots of my son with no hassles to light up my house with lamps, etc. Can you kindly recommmend a flash. I dont like bounce flashes...any choices for me? Love your web site. Thnks so very much for all the help you are providing!
mom in Canada

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January 23, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Te V,

Check out the Nikon Coolpix S4 I keep one in my jacket pocket.
Completely automated. Has great menu with icon selection for most any situation.
No manual anything. Camera focuses – sets lens aperture and shutter speed.
6 Megapixels so you can make enlargements. Magnificent 10x zoom + micro. Lens swivels to allow picture taking when otherwise you would need to be a contortionist.

Negative is poor viewing on LCD screen in sunlight i.e. no viewfinder. Fits in pocket. Price is right. I think a new model is out so the S4 might be reduced street price is about $200 US.

Alan Marcus

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January 23, 2007


Te Ms Vaiu
  Wow!! Fast answer. thnks Alan..I am DEFINITELY going to look into this camera...also if you could let me know which flash(es) would be recommended for canon EOS Xs...(hopefully not a bounce). thnks again.

cheers from the beautiful rockies in Alberta canada

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January 23, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi again,

I personally don’t know the camera. I took a cursory look on the web to see if it had a socket for a flash sync cord plug-in and I failed. However, it has a built-in flash so any unit that will act as a slave will work. Many units have a built-in flash sensor (eclectic eye) to detect a nearby flash. Your camera serves as the master and the slave fires as an echo. That being the case, no interconnection is needed. Even if the unit you choose has no slave ability, many strobes accept an accessory that causes it to fire in sync.

You say no bounce! That’s a surprise! The big advantage of an off axis flash is the shadows produced from a non-head-on angle give an illusion of depth. A single flash on the camera is harsh but virtually shadow less on the human face. Bounce is soft and nearly unidirectional. Many situations are enhanced by bounce. Especially in a home with moderately low ceiling height.

It 20° C in Anaheim across the street from Disneyland, not a cloud in the sky. No Northern lights tonight.

Alan Marcus

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January 23, 2007

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